Update: I used a few of the old parts hanging around to rebuild the frame into an 8 speed. Used some navy blue Cinelli tape on Cinelli bars and a polished 3ttt Mutant threadless stem. Not that keen on the stem look compared to the quill, so I may change it back at some point. It is outfitted with an old set of Campagnolo 8 speed, pre-1998, Ergopower shifters and a Veloce 9 speed rear derailleur. Its rolling on the Campagnolo Sirocco G3 Wheels, which are a little beat up but serviceable for around town. Topping it off, is a natural Brooks Cadmium saddle. Not sold on the look of the wheels on this bike, so I may be in search of something more traditional looking.
Picked up this understated navy blue and gold frame from a bike forum member this week. A few nicks and scratches but overall in solid condition. It unusual to see a simple paint scheme on 90's italian bikes, which is why this is so interesting to me. The frame is 55cm and constructed from Columbus SP steel tubing. An odd choice for a smaller frame from what Ive read. Given that the only other Tommasini Ive had remotely my size is the stars & stripes "America", this one fits the bill. The best that I can tell, it must be from the early 90's. The S/N is 23-312 and stamped VP. 55cm is the smallest I can ride and this one seems to fit fine, with the top tube measuring 56cm, which helps. It was built up briefly with the single speed kit (from the Rossin) that I tend to use on new frames just to test them out. Now I need to determine what type of build this will be in the meantime. Maiden voyage this morning was great. A nice riding townie single speed for the moment.

Picked up this understated navy blue and gold frame from a bike forum member this week. A few nicks and scratches but overall in solid condition. It unusual to see a simple paint scheme on 90's italian bikes, which is why this is so interesting to me. The frame is 55cm and constructed from Columbus SP steel tubing. An odd choice for a smaller frame from what Ive read. Given that the only other Tommasini Ive had remotely my size is the stars & stripes "America", this one fits the bill. The best that I can tell, it must be from the early 90's. The S/N is 23-312 and stamped VP. 55cm is the smallest I can ride and this one seems to fit fine, with the top tube measuring 56cm, which helps. It was built up briefly with the single speed kit (from the Rossin) that I tend to use on new frames just to test them out. Now I need to determine what type of build this will be in the meantime. Maiden voyage this morning was great. A nice riding townie single speed for the moment.