Here's an update. The seller wouldn't accept a reasonable price so I've decided to part with it. He can have it back try to sell it as a replica or whatever. Thanks to ebay for its money-back guarantee on authenticity.
Actually got the refund and the bike frame is back in the hands of the guy who sold the fake and will remain unnamed in this blog. At least he was honest enough to refund it completely without a hassle. Oh, well, I'll try again with something thats legit.
Scored, what I thought, was a red 1986 Gios Professional frame and fork. Its in wonderful shape, made from Columbus SLX and is 56cm. When I finally unpacked it and examined the details there seemed to be a few details different than my research. While the seat stay ends look typically Gios, the bottom bracket doesn't match anything I've seen online and the lugs were different, the had a slight peak which wasnt evident in any other Gios pic. A quick email to Gios-Torino with some pics confirmed my fears, Marco Gios replied that while very close, it wasn't a Gios. Bummed, but I still built it up for a short time and its a really nice ride. I hope the ebay seller, who seems legit will refund a good portion of the cost. At least it has an authentic Gios head badge....

Actually got the refund and the bike frame is back in the hands of the guy who sold the fake and will remain unnamed in this blog. At least he was honest enough to refund it completely without a hassle. Oh, well, I'll try again with something thats legit.
Scored, what I thought, was a red 1986 Gios Professional frame and fork. Its in wonderful shape, made from Columbus SLX and is 56cm. When I finally unpacked it and examined the details there seemed to be a few details different than my research. While the seat stay ends look typically Gios, the bottom bracket doesn't match anything I've seen online and the lugs were different, the had a slight peak which wasnt evident in any other Gios pic. A quick email to Gios-Torino with some pics confirmed my fears, Marco Gios replied that while very close, it wasn't a Gios. Bummed, but I still built it up for a short time and its a really nice ride. I hope the ebay seller, who seems legit will refund a good portion of the cost. At least it has an authentic Gios head badge....
The columbus fork, although it has Gios stickers looks to be a repop SLX. still nice though. |
Campagnolo stamped drops that are drilled, which is common, but with 6 not 8 holes. |
The seat stays look authentic to me. One forum member suggested that it may be a Sannino, who worked for Gios. |
they didn't typically have pump pegs |
This was the confusing part. The cable guides look correct, but no cutouts like all the other examples I could find. Also, no marking, panto or stamped serial numbers. |
Well at least the head badge is authentic. |
Gipiemme seat stay bridge. |
two sets of bottle mounts was another detail that was off according to the internets... |